[Stuff] On Dating and Relationships!

I had some thoughts. I wanted to write.
I was finding it hard to give my thoughts a voice, and I didn’t write… Until I did and put out this post.

The same old usual stuff! 🙂 It’s a shame I have to push myself so hard to write. As always, I will try and keep up. Each little push does break the inertia and provides some momentum.

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Musings during the Pandemic

I just wanted to write. Neither about a world-changing big idea in mind nor a personal crisis I am battling. It’s hard to change the world unless you are a fucking virus and I am doing just fine. Though I have sure been better. I have not been able to keep myself unheeded of what’s happening in the world, and especially in my city and country.  So that’s that. I want to write because it will give me a channel to express myself. I don’t know what, but I hope to figure that out once I get in the flow.

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How to set a vision and how to be more focused?

I have taken a heavy philosophical topic for the post. I am sure I won’t be able to do justice to the topic. But can anyone? What is justice anyways, it’s abstract! Now the setting and tone is right. So all of you amazing four – five people who may read this post (don’t laugh sis, I still get more visitors than you :P), if you got curious and interested by the title and may have thought you will find an answer, you won’t. Let me put it right on the table. I only have the questions, and like you, I am searching for the answers too. Continue reading

The 2017 Flashback

I am writing this post to recall the year 2017. This is my second yearly review, the previous one from last year is here.

I was wanting to do this post for a very long while and as evident from the present date, I am kinda like 5-6 months late. Actually, I recently thought of doing a periodic recap more frequent than once an year, focusing more on what have been some key learning outcomes in a period, and what I feel is missing, just as part of good self introspection, which I believe is very important, and which I believe I miss out on a lot. This could help chalk out short term and long term goals, or simply list out a few things to look forward to, bringing in more meaning and purpose in life (heavy, right?). No, don’t worry, it will lighten out. Anyways, coming back, since I had to do this periodic recap of introspection for the last few recent months of 2018, I thought I should pen down the recap of 2017 as well, leaving aside any gap in my social existence diary, which makes me feel alive (might allow some people to find consistency and continuum in the virtual dumps of my existence ). Continue reading


And the flush isn’t working. My after poop peace is also taken. That’s just awesome. Interestingly weird situation. While I am proud of my excretory system to have worked pretty well and left a solid mark of my presence in this tiny washroom of this small cafe, there is no water to cover it up. So I am thinking whether I should leave the cafe as soon as possible, after coming out of the washroom and hope no one follows for a while, or inform the cafe staff about the fact that the water isn’t coming and the washroom is clogged. Such a trap it is man…

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Introspection & Retrospection

I have taken a pledge to read books this year. I am happy that I just completed the first one. It was a special book since it  was from one of the most inspiring athletes, whom I have looked up to and whom I have also related to, in my tennis playing days: Rafael Nadal. I have written about the book here.

This post is more about what has been my key learning in the last 6 months, the first six months of my post-college professional working life, which this book (quite incidentally well timed) also very well aligns and resonates with. I am glad the validation (although there wasn’t any need for), if it had to come, came in through the tennis story of one of the best player ever. Continue reading