Introspection & Retrospection

I have taken a pledge to read books this year. I am happy that I just completed the first one. It was a special book since it  was from one of the most inspiring athletes, whom I have looked up to and whom I have also related to, in my tennis playing days: Rafael Nadal. I have written about the book here.

This post is more about what has been my key learning in the last 6 months, the first six months of my post-college professional working life, which this book (quite incidentally well timed) also very well aligns and resonates with. I am glad the validation (although there wasn’t any need for), if it had to come, came in through the tennis story of one of the best player ever. Continue reading

Books | Year Wise List

I am one of those who likes the idea of reading books, but somehow, don’t really translate that into reality. As a child, I have read some of the Famous Fives, Secret Sevens, Nancy Drews and Hardy Boys but that’s that. Since then I have been less of a reader, which I am not proud about.

Once, I had recollected all the books I have read and listed them in a Facebook post as follows. Continue reading

Aspire to Work For Sport

I am going to present a story that holds very dear to me through this post.

I just graduated college (It’s a strange and different feeling, but I won’t go there). I officially have a degree now (not literally because there’s still some time in my convocation), but the effort and struggle is over. However I realize that the hard part has just begun. I remember a senior addressing our graduating batch on the recently organised “high tea” during the last days of college. He made us all aware about a very true fact that the path we traveled till now was a very well defined path and something that almost everyone follows. School and then college. But as soon as we step out from college, we get to own each and every decision and choice we make to develop and polish ourselves at the personal as well as professional level. We gotta explore and follow our true passions. And that’s not very easy, and at times it’s so damn hard.   Continue reading

Chilled Out & Laid Back :D

Hello People 🙂

It’s been a long time. Generally I write about something of my interest which I feel needs to be discussed or I wish others should just know about. But this post is nothing more than a state of mind. A simple whats going on sort of a post, with a bit of a personal touch. It’s not something I always share with everyone or something that everyone needs to know, but ab kuch to likhna tha na, so be it 😀 Continue reading

My Life and My Sport

Yesterday’s topic of Satyamevjayate show was Sports, “how a ball can change the world“. Being a sportsman myself, I could very well connect with the discussions and opinions that came up during the show.

The show discussed and highlighted some very encouraging and motivating examples of sports persons coming from nowhere and making it big all by themselves just because of sheer hard work and dedication. I salute to all those hard working sports persons who have fought hard and brought our country pride. Continue reading


A few months ago, I luckily got a great opportunity to be a part of a Sports Feature. Shashank Tyagi of Studio59 did a photo story on me.  Apart from getting some awesome photos of me playing tennis, it was a great concept to be a part of. How photographers make photos tell a story is wonderful in itself. We had a good discussion before finalizing the shots. It was a new experience for me and a really interesting one 🙂 Continue reading